Sunday, October 17, 2010

Riding with the Governor

I'm not a political person and I probably shouldn't admit this, but I'm not even registered to vote. Last time I voted, I voted for Nixon...and we all know how that ended up. But that's another story and another time.

But I'm not going to pass up a bike ride on a perfect Fall day, and especially when it involves riding with Governor Jack Markell. I understand the ride started back when he was State Treasurer, and the ride covered the whole state over several days. But I don't think he gets to ride as often as he did before or as often as he'd like, so the ride was shortened to a 50-miler. The major of Delaware City, Mayor John Martin, who I found out is also a cyclist offered his city as a starting point. The only one missing from the mix was Senator Dave Sokola who has been busy campaigning, but he did show at the beginning to wish us well.

There had to be 30-40 people who showed! The weather was near perfect despite a chilly start and a pesky wind that picked up later in the day. It was quite a site to see the long string of cyclists on the road . I wonder how many cars that were delayed a few seconds before getting around us - and I'm certain were pissed off because of the delay - realized who they were passing!

We had a brief stop in Middletown and a second stop at Coleman's tree farm on Rt. 9, where we were treated to fruit, cookies, and subs. We finished the ride climbing back over the canal on the Reedy Point Bridge. What an outstanding day!

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